Students at Colorado Mesa University have the opportunity to gain editing experience working on one of the English Department's literary magazines. The Literary Review is the student edited and managed in-house magazine, featuring the best of Colorado Mesa students' writing. Students can also serve as editorial assistants or Managing Editor for Pinyon, CMU's professionally edited national literary magazine. Both journals offer paid positions for students and college credit through faculty supervised practicums.
Pinyon is a national journal of poetry, prose and art published at Colorado Mesa University.
Submissions are invited from both established and emerging writers.
There are no restrictions on subject or style, although all work must be original, unpublished, and written in English. We appreciate a strong, authentic voice. Send 3-5 poems with name, address, phone number and email address on each; fiction and creative non-fiction should contain the same on the first page. All manuscripts must be typewritten with no more than one poem per page. Clear photocopies are acceptable, as are simultaneous submissions if they are identified as such and author agrees to notify us immediately if the work is accepted elsewhere. All submissions must include a S.A.S.E.; those without will be recycled without notification. We are not currently accepting electronic submissions.
Our reading period is August 1 to December 1. Manuscripts received outside of this timeframe will be returned unread. We respond in February and publish early summer.
Subscriptions are $9.00 per year and back-copies are available for $5.00, payable by U.S. check only, made out to Pinyon Poetry. Please address requests to the Managing Editor.
Languages, Literature and Mass Communication
Colorado Mesa University
1100 North Avenue
Grand Junction, CO 81501-3122
The Literary Review
Having published it first edition in 1972, The Literary Review, is the second oldest publication on campus with its logo designed by Andrew Cruz in 1988. Although it has a faculty advisor, The Literary Review is a student managed and governed, campus-wide magazine funded by the student body through the oversight of the Students' Fee Allocation Committee (FAC). A staff of two students who hold paid positions (an Editor-in-Chief and Assistant Editor) manages the collection, judging, and printing of works submitted.
The Literary Review is a founding member of the campus Media Board, which is a general policy formulating body for the Colorado Mesa University official student media and serves as an advisory to the Vice President of Student Affairs (Office of Dean of Students). The Media Board reports as an administrative standing committee.
The Literary Review publishes short stories, short fiction, poetry, and art created by CMU students and is printed yearly in the spring. While it typically accepts only works created by Colorado Mesa University's full-time students, who pay student fees, the publication nevertheless encourages students taking at least one three-hour course at CMU to submit creative pieces, whether that course is offered on campus or online.
Important note for student authors who prefer to remain anonymous: every author's personal information is removed, and the work is given a number, thus providing a comfort level for unbiased judging. Authors and artists are not notified about the acceptance or rejection of their work until The Literary Review is printed and ready for distribution.
For further guidelines and submission information please visit:
The Advisor is Professor TJ Gerlach who can be contacted at [email protected]. The staff can be reached by calling 970.248.1447.